I recently saw a movie about the Willie Martin handcart company. It was full of amazing examples of love and sacrifice and self-control. When it was over and I was walking out, teary eyed, I saw a poster for a movie entitled This Is Love and it had a picture of a guy and girl bei
ng all moonstruck like any typical chick flick. I have no idea what the movie is about but it made me compare the kind of love I had just seen to the shallow, showy, emotional diarrhea that the media tries to pass off as love. Why is it that people are so hesitant to make daily sacrifices for each other for fear of being "taken advantage of", and yet casually sleeping around is becoming so common? Also, why does the girl in the c

hic flick always have to be so mean to the guy of interest in the beginning? There are two sure ways to spot who the love interests are in a movie.
1. The guy with the poofy hair will be the love interest.
2. The girl who is rude and too busy for love will be the one the guy falls for.
There will be a lazy yet funny friend thrown in there somewhere too, and maybe a dog.
So why the poofy hair? It says, "Run your fingers through THIS!" or possibly, "We can do our hair together in the mornings." I did once date a guy with better, and yes, longer hair than me. Was I jealous? Yes I was. But mine was still poofier. Did it cause me to feel insecure in my femininity? Nah... I still looked better in a dress. Not that he wore dresses. Anyway... I also dated a totally bald guy once and since that day my family has proceeded to point out every bald guy they see. "Hey Rachel, I bet you like him!" I don't know if it's some kind of psychological brainwashing but bald men have started to stand out to me more. Alright! It's out! I like bald guys. I think it is my subconscious way of rejecting chick flicks.