About 90% of the time I have decided to be positive about the outcome of the election. I don't want to create more disunity and fear than there already is. However, I get to use this blog to get out all my thoughts, even the ugly ones. So if you disagree with me politically and want to still like me, you may want to pass this blog by. Or better yet, skip down to the summary/key points of Obamacare at the bottom.
I am amazed. The work of the Obama campaign should, I think, go down in history as the most skilled of any campaign ever. To take a president who has doubled our debt when he said he would decrease it, who lied to the American people about Bengazi and the four deaths that happened there, who promised to be bipartisan and instead dictatorially forced Obamacare through without a single Republican vote, who promised to decrease unemployment and instead raised it and then to have so many Americans choose to reelect a him based on popularity and pretty speech, and deeply in their hearts believe he's going to do better this time. THAT is no simple task and they pulled it off with flying colors. Well I guess we should give some credit to the MSM who covered up and twisted things with the greatest of skill.
I find the following map interesting. The red regions voted for Romeny. The blue is Obama. I understand that some areas are more densely populated and votes are represented by population. But I still wonder...
Something that really frustrated me about the election is that most of the overseas military did not get to vote because they were never sent their ballots in time. The military is 90% Republican. This same problem happened in the 2010 elections and no one seemed to want to fix it before 2012. Along with that ACORN was caught registering Obama supporters to vote like 70 times! What the flip-itty do da day??? Not to say there wasn't voter fraud on both sides but come on ACORN. Also, in one public school that was set up as a voting post, there was a huge mural of Obama on the wall that said "Hope" and "Change", regardless of the rule that no propaganda is to be in the vicinity of a voting post.
Since Wednesday following the election the NASDAQ and the DOW have continued to plummet. To which Obama will respond with another stimulus which will shoot it up again for a while, decrease the value of our dollar even more and then it will fall back down again. It's a yo-yo effect that any person who has taken an economics class can see and its starting to get me sea sick. But then again, government has infiltrated public schools and colleges so much since 20 years ago, regulating what is taught, that it probably wouldn't matter if you had taken economics. I partially blame that infiltration of the school system for the outcome of this election.
But women need free birth control gosh darn it! Since they can't afford the $9 a month it costs they
need Obama to beat it out of the rest of us. They say that government has no right to tell them what
they can and can't do with their bodies do why does governemnt have the right into yout bank account?
They don't understand that he who foots the bill has the power. By letting government pay they are letting
government into their bodies more than ever. Duh.
need Obama to beat it out of the rest of us. They say that government has no right to tell them what
they can and can't do with their bodies do why does governemnt have the right into yout bank account?
They don't understand that he who foots the bill has the power. By letting government pay they are letting
government into their bodies more than ever. Duh.
Well since it is now surely going to be a reality, we might as well all
understand Obamacare. I'm sure no one has
understand Obamacare. I'm sure no one has
read it, at least, without going into a coma so here are some key
points we should all be aware of. Sorry if it
points we should all be aware of. Sorry if it
gives you nightmares.
The Patient
Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare)
22 – The government will audit all books of all employers
who are self-insured.
29 lines 4-16 – Healthcare rationing $5000 per individual,
$10,000 per family.
30 section 123 – There will be a government committee that
decided what treatments and benefits you receive.
42 – The healthcare commissioner will choose you benefits
for you. You have no choice.
50 section 152 – Healthcare will be provided to all non US
citizens, illegal or otherwise.
58 – The government will have real time access to individual
people’s finances and a national ID card will be issued.
59 lines 21-24 – The government will have direct access to
your bank account for elective funds transfers.
65 section 164 – This is a payoff subsidized plan for
retirees and their families in Unions and Community organizations. (see ACORN)
72 lines 8-14 – The government is creating a Healthcare
exchange to bring private Healthcare plans under government control.
84 section 203 – Government mandates all benefit packages
for private healthcare plans in the exchange.
85 line 7 – AARP members healthcare will be rationed.
91 lines 4-7 – Government mandates linguistic appropriate
services or translation for illegal aliens.
102 lines 12-18 – Medicad eligible individuals will be automatically
enrolled in Medicad. No choice.
124 lines 24-25 – No companies can sue the government on
price fixing and no judicial review against the government monopoly.
126 lines 22-25 – Employers must pay for healthcare for part
time employees and their families.
127 lines 1-16 – Government will tell doctors and the
American Medical Association how much they can make.
145 lines 15-17 – All employers must enroll employees into
the government plan.
149 lines 16-24 – Employers with a payroll of $400,000 and
up who does not provide the government option will pay an %8 tax on all
150 line 9-13 – Employers with a payroll of between $251,000
and $400,000 who does not provide the government option will pay a 2-6% tax on
all payroll.
167 – Any individual who does not have acceptable healthcare
according to the government will be taxed 2.5%.
170 lines 1-3 – Any nonresident alien is exempt from
individual taxes. (we pay for them)
195 - Officers and employees
of the healthcare administration will have access to all American financial and
personal records.
203 lines 14-15 – “The tax imposed under this section shall
not be treated as tax.”
239 lines 14-24 – Government will reduce physician services
for Medicaid which will affect the seniors, poor and low income.
241 lines 6-8 – All doctors, no matter what specialty, will
be paid the same.
253 lines 10-18 – Government sets the value of doctors time
and professional judgments. (the value of human life)
265 section 1131 – Governement mandates and controls
productivity for private healthcare industries.
268 section 1141 – The government regulates rental and
purchase of power driven wheelchairs.
272 section 1145 – Cancer patients in specific hospitals
will be rationed.
280 section 1151 – The government will penalize hospitals
for what the government deems “preventable re-admission.”
317 lines 13-20 – Prohibition on ownership and investment.
The government tells doctors what and how much they can own.
317-318 lines 21-25, 1-3
- Prohibition on expansion.
Government will tell hospitals when they can and can’t expand.
321 lines 2-13 – Hospitals have opportunity to apply for
exception but community input is required. (ACORN)
335 lines 16-25 &
336-339 – Government mandates establishment of outcome based
measures. Healthcare the way they want it. Rationing.
341 lines 3-9 – Government has authority to disqualify
medical plans, HMO’S etc… forcing all intot he government healthcare plan.
354 section 1177 – Government will restrict enrollment of
special needs individuals.
379 section 1191 – Government creates more bureaucracy, the
Telehealth Advisory Committee.
425 lines 4-12 – Government mandates “Advanced care planning
consultation.” Seniors will be interviewed every year for health issues and
decisions will be made as to what care they can and cannot receive.
425 lines 17-19 – The government will instruct and consult
regarding living wills and durable powers of attorney. This is mandatory.
425 lines 22-25 &
426 lines 1-3 – Governement provides approved list of end of
life resources guiding you into death.
427 lines 15-24 – Government mandates program for orders for
end of life. They have a say in how your life ends.
429 lines 1-9 – An advanced care planning consultation will
be used frequently as patients health deteriorates.
429 lines 10-12 – Advanced care consultation may include an
order for end of life plans.
429 lines 13-25 – Government will specify which doctors can
write an end of life order.
430 lines 11-15 – Government will decide what level of
treatment you will have at end of life.
469 – There will be community based home medical services.
472 lines 14-17 – There will be a monthly payment to such
community based organization. (ACORN)
489 section 1308 – Government will cover marriage and family
494-498 – Government will cover mental health services
including defining, creating and rationing those services.